
It's not Terry's, It's Mine

This is my contact sheet [in effect] from the shoot I did over summer at Terry's Chocolate Factory in York. They are all rough scans and i think a few are back-to-front. Also, the first one is mental colours because it wasnt exposed well enough to get a proper photo but its one of my favorite shots and so it can serve as a reminder to get things right.

The aim was to create a study of the factory and its buildings. The shoot was limited to 2 hours and 4 rolls of film though and I feel theres so much potential left. Fingers crossed it's still there in October!

Also, do projects like this need meanings?

If so can I go shoot them - like this - then find a meaning?

I'd prefer not to go into a shoot, especially a study (in my mind) of something with predisposed ideas. It's bad.