
Estate Two

In the same housing estate as the previous couple of images I photographed this set of four houses. In terms of composition I think i can say with some certainty that this is my chosen framing and what not. I find that the house being centre frame helps to attract the eye to view its overall appearence with a little of its surroundings, particularly the driveways and front gardens (note: this is blocked in 3 of the images below, hopefully this will not be the case!) as they too are integral in the customisation of a hosue by its occupants.
I think this set works particularly well in that the houses are, from the exterior, pretty much identical although flipped horizontally in some cases. This helps to create more of a flow between the images.
All positive aside however, there is snow everywhere which has a major [negative] impact on the way these images stand. It also makes them look very flat.

I feel that although visually the work is starting to come together more, a set of 10 or so images all of an archetypal house isn't going to be able to clearly get across a particualerly clear translation of my intentions.
In order for this to work i need to find a way to boost the visual and bring more to the work.