

I'm tired of searching through tons of photographers for research. Sometimes I feel that when I'm researching, aside from those rare gems that really do stir something within, a lot of photography I look at and feel inferior, as if there is really no need for me to do this because there are so many other people already out there doing what I want to do. Photographing the way I would, the subjects I would. More or less. So really, what is the point. Nowadays it is as if you have to go out there and find something completely new. completely different. Some cutting edge avant-garde work that that has the 'wow' effect. Something so brilliant and innovative it causes ripples not only across the art world, but across the real world too. I mean lets face it, art world is set aside in its own little reality, almost like a high school. People trying out new things, going off on extreme tangents, trying to 'find themselves', following themselves in circles like a dog chasing its tail, trying endlessly to express themselves. Art is very selfish to say one is suppose to appeal to a wider audience. A wider audience with a shared interest in... me (the artist)? But yes, back to the point before this becomes an essay on 'The Art Bubble'.

Why. It's depressing to look at 30 photographers world wide producing work that essentially is anonymous in that any one of them could have took it. It's a photograph. The subject, cannot change. It cannot be manipulated. It can be portrayed in any manner the photographer wants, but it will always be the same.

Can a building be photographed so that it could seamlessly be fitted in with Fauvism works, Baroque works and Surrealist works? Without post-production no. I highly doubt it (please, someone prove me wrong).

Again. Off topic. If I feel in need of an inspirational boost I find that instead of scrutinizing photography that will eventually lead my thoughts to a depressing reality, I find it somewhat mesmerising to look at these works by Cech artist Mila Judge-Furstova.

Encounter 2005
60cm x 110cm

I find this particular piece absolutely fascinating. When viewed in actuality rather than digitally or in print, the two end pannels of the triptych are pulled slightly forwards off the wall wich really helps you loose yourself in the work. as if you are subsumed by the endless trees. or awe-struck at the majesticity, and calming nature of the deer. either way i guess i think this is more inspiring than the latest Crewdson or whatnot.

The etching on the wall. Note the angled side pannels.

Enchanted Forest 2010